Monday, March 11, 2013


Art 11

Homework #5



In art class for my blog post #5 I was asked to explain the differences between Roman and Gothic Arches in art.

             While I was reading chapter number 13 in the art book I was able to learn so much about the Gothic Art. According to the book the Gothic term primarily came from the Western Europe around the twelfth century and in France around the sixteenth century and to other parts of Europe.

I believe that one of the differences between and Gothic Arches in art is that the Romanesque follow the Gothic style. The Gothic style refers to the time during the Middle Ages in European architecture. Another way where I was able to notice differences between Roman and Gothic Arches it was when I was looking at the shape of the arches architecture and the count of window. The word Romanesque came because that follow the Roman style as opposed of Gothic people who were more based on making the architecture more pointed because of the idea of elevation meaning having higher buildings. An example of this is in page one hundred and ninety eight; there the book shows a diagram of a Gothic cathedral.

 There is a quote in the book that catches my attention that said “Since the wall space between buttress were no longer necessary for structural support. They could be pierced by large windows to achieve the desired increases in light.” While I was reading about the Gothic arch’s architecture in the book I notice that the pointed arch is an intersection of two arcs of nonconcentric circles. Another example that shows a different between these two terms is that the pointed arch minimize the lateral, or the sideways in the structure against the wall. This pointed arch permit the structure to be more flexible building element.

So what I have learned in art about the differences between Roman and Gothic Arches, I believe that by now my classmates and me we are able to learn many reasons why architects invented Gothic arches when Roman arches were already invented. I am now able to understand why we have in today society many churches with pointed roof; they are following the Gothic arch art. 




Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Art 11


Homework #4

 In art class here at Bronx Community College we have been discussing the differences of Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek. We were asked to give our opinion as well as defend the Greek Styles of art. In order to support my opinion I will provide evidence that I have learned   from art class.

            During the discussion in art class I was able to learn why in today society people prefer Ancient Greek art instead of Ancient Egyptian art. I recall from the discussion we had in class many reasons why people prefer Ancient Greek art instead of Ancient Egyptian. One of those reasons is that the sculpture that the Ancient Greek made in the past was more realistic as opposed as Ancient Egyptian.

I noticed that the Ancient Greek care about physical perfection. One the different of the Ancient Greek is that they legs were longer because they wanted to be equal with the upper body structure.  I also learned that no human being in real life will ever have a perfect body structure. From the discussion in class I also recall that the Ancient Greek desired to exaggerate facial structure.

So what we have learn in art about the Ancient Greek, I believe that  by now we know  many reason why people prefer Ancient Greek but one reason that impacted  me was when in art class the professor said that the Ancient Greek wanted their sculpture of  human body to be physically perfect.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Art 11
Homework #3
Art 11
Homework #3
 I was in class trying to draw this portrait; it was something new for me and my peers. I had never drawn another person in an art class before. It was an unforgettable experience for me because I am now able to know that I could bring my mind to another world when I draw. The art of drawing needs much of my concentration and this allows me to see that with art in my life l feel like a creative person. Art is to me like a way of expressing yourself, meaning your way of being, emotions and creativity and criticism is to me a way of judge our good and bad qualities. Overall I believe that art reaches us in many ways that can have an impact in our life good or bad depending on the individual’s acceptance. I want to learn in my art class how to draw because I believe that   it will help me release stress.
 I was in class trying to draw this portrait; it was something new for me and my peers. I had never drawn another person in an art class before. It was an unforgettable experience for me because I am now able to know that I could bring my mind to another world when I draw. The art of drawing needs much of my concentration and this allows me to see that with art in my life l feel like a creative person. Art is to me like a way of expressing yourself, meaning your way of being, emotions and creativity and criticism is to me a way of judge our good and bad qualities. Overall I believe that art reaches us in many ways that can have an impact in our life good or bad depending on the individual’s acceptance. I want to learn  how to draw because I believe that   it will help me release stress.